Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fall Updates!

Our First Grade Blog has taken on a new look! If you have a google account you can follow us and get updates in your inbox! This week students are working on making patterns in math, and reading words with the short o sound in reading. Students have been reading books about animals and the farm. Some of my favorite fall books are listed in the box to the right. Next week we will read Leaf Man and make our own leaf pictures!

You may have noticed some rocks coming home in student's pockets, sorry about that! We just started our unit on rocks and soil in science and they are excited to say the least! Another great thing coming up next week is our reading buddies! We are partnered with a 4th grade class and we will begin reading a reader's theater play with them. The story is called "The Little Old Lady That Was Not Afraid of Anything". The kids love it! I will hopefully post the video of them reading it by the end of the month. (if I can figure out how to do that!)

Mr. Edwards has been coming to work with us on Wednesday for about a month now. He is a student at UNCA and will be student teaching in our room in January. He has been working hard and is looking forward to coming on board soon!!

Mrs. Keith is reading Charlotte's Web to our class a few pages a day. They love hearing about Wilbur and should be able to tell you all about the story! They love hearing a good book read aloud each day and Mrs. Keith is a masterful story teller!!

It is a joy teaching this group of students, and I sleep well at night! Lol If you have questions or would like to come in to our class to volunteer please let me know! Fall Festival is coming soon and we will need help setting up for that!! Let's hope for a few more days of this beautiful weather!!

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